Web Giving Animation:
Pushpay required a new thank you animation for their updated giving product for church givers to donate online to their church. The animation would appear once a payment was completed and needed to be seen as a visually appealing award for a givers generosity.
Utilizing Design Principles and front end coding:
To ensure this animation would be as consistent as possible with our current products and experiences, I utilized the Pushpay design principles to ensure consistency and help guide the visual design of this task. The main principles I ended up applying to this animation were:
Make it memorable
Refined simplicity
Due to the limits of prototyping tools, I designed and built the animation out of HTML, CSS and SVG/XML code to push the boundaries and share how the animation would look.
End result:
The final design was positively received by stakeholders of the project and users of the product.
The animation is currently active online and continues to provide church givers a unique ending to their online giving experience.